#1 (Fall 1985) Opinions by me and Bill Whelan; “Houston 1966” scene report by Corey Brennan; interview with the Prevaricators, a punk band from Richmond, VA; record and live reviews.
#2 (Spring 1986) Opinions by me and Bill Whelan; interview with Angst; article by Corey Brennan on the Far Right (drawn from his time working in the Hatvard Government Documents library); interviews with Beefeater, The Descendents, and Joseph I from Bad Brains; live and record reviews.
#3 (Spring 1987) “Why I Don’t Go Out Anymore”; live review of the TV Personalities in London; record and fanzine reviews.
#4 (Summer 1987) “Small Packages of Swellness in the Mail”; live review of the Lemonheads; interview with SOns of Ishmael (hardcore band from Toronto); article on NME Magazine; record and live reviews.
#5 (Fall 1987) A Tipper Gore Dry Dream”; top five beers by Sasha Gottschalk; record reviews.
#6 (December 1987) “The Song Is Over”; Rome scene report by Corey Brennan; interview with Screaming Trees and Beat Happening; “The Road to Cornwall” by John Plotz; “A Night in the Life”; record reviews.
#7 (January 1988) London scene report by Corey Brennan; “Sunday Morning Gunk: Weekend Tour Diary”; “The Record Review Map”; year in review.
#8 (Spring 1988) letters; record reviews (including a page on the Subway Organization); lyrics by Jean Smith; “Italian Disco Death!” by Corey Brennan; Yes at the Meadowlands by Marisa Januzzi; review of the Exploited atthe Channel by Sasha Gottschalk; “It’s a Cuisine” by Chris Marx; “In a Goof Mood, for the Time Being”; record reviews
#9 (May 1988) interview with the Nils (pop-punk band from Montreal); Rome and London scene report by Corey Brennan; art from Agaton Sax and the Max Brothers.
#10 (August 1988) “Make Up Your Own Rules:l article on Viewmaster; interview with Brix Smith by Corey Powell; article on Anarchy (the British magazine that was published from 1961 until 1988); live reviews of Desmond Dekker and various punk bands in London by Sasha Gottschalk; “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night” (record and snack reviews); interview with Mecca Normal